Saturday, January 8, 2011

Motorcyle Supershow

It was once again time for the annual Motorcycle Supershow at the International Centre in Mississauga. Jim & Sandy were once again staying with us in Woodstock and we left late in the morning. We didn't have any plans to see anything specific aside from the usual wandering.

Heather on an Indian.

A couple of things I wanted to see was the new Kawasaki Vaquero and the whole line of the again-resurrected Indians. Though expensive, I've always found the Indians very appealing. Another booth of note belonged to the Canadian Sidecar Owners. It has a different theme every year and this year paid homage to the troops. Rudeboy, a fellow VROCer, was partly responsible for the work that went into the booth although he wasn't present at the show at the time we passed by.

One of the motorcycles at the sidecar display.

In the evening, we made our way to the Mandarin for the annual Frozen North dinner. I was the pleasure organizing this year's event. Based on the response from the web forum, I made a reservation for 12 although only one other person, Mike from Ottawa, showed up aside from the four of us. None of it mattered though as the Mandarin completely ignored our reservation and constant reminders to the point where we left after an hour of waiting for a table. Mike suggested that we go to Woodbine to try their buffet so we followed him. There wasn't much selection at the buffet but the food was good enough. But at that point nothing was going to get the sour taste of the Mandarin experience from my mouth.

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