So, the weekend is over and it's time to head home. Today turned out to be a warmer day than both Saturday and Sunday. One of these years, the whole weekend will be full of sunshine. While it was only 5 or 6 degrees when we woke up, the temperature would rise quickly throughout the day and go well past mid-teens. Anyways you look at it, anything was better than last year when we woke up to nearly freezing temperatures and snow.

Looking out on Madawaska River on a cloudless Monday morning
We all had a small breakfast and, after saying our goodbyes, we were on the road not long after 10am. Having filled up with yesterday, Heather and I would only need one stop to get home. That one stop was in Orillia after following the same route as we did on Friday. From Orillia we made a slight change in the route and headed towards Midhurst. Just like last year we would stop for lunch at the Midhurst Coffee House. That Spanish omelet was fantastic.

Getting ready for the final stretch of riding home
From Midhurst, we rode down various highways, encountering traffic in a spot or two, to Orangeville and finally home, where a warm dinner prepared by my mom was waiting for us.
Today's trip: 399 km
2009 goal: 8,500 km
2009 to date: 1,517 km (17.8%)
To obtain goal: 6,983 km
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