It took over two months but we finally managed to ride today on what turned out to be a beautiful day. With a lot of things happenings in the past couple of months, like the wedding, plus sketchy weather, we've been unable to ride since Labour Day Monday.
Today's forecast called for 16+ degrees and we knew that this would be the best opportunity for one last ride this season. We waited until noon before starting our ride in best possible conditions.
The ride was short as it covered some 150km in 3 hours and took us through Erin and Fergus. We stopped in Erin for gas and for food in Fergus. The food stop was at Dairy Queen where we shared chicken strips and a blizzard. As we were leaving Dairy Queen we witnessed a lady back her van into a Honda Civic leaving a 6-inch gash on the Honda's rear fender. Surprisingly, the lady drove away without giving it much thought. The other exciting part of the ride came later as I went really low into a turn and scraped a floorboard. Seeing how it was my first time doing that, even Heather noticed that I was somewhat startled by that occurrence.
We returned from the ride at 3:30, just in time for supper with a few guests, namely my cousin from Poland and his brother (with his wife) who's visiting from New Jersey. While it was a short ride it will make the wait for next season that much shorter. Overall, we finished the season short of our goal but we still rode more than last year and considering other things going on this year, the season was fulfilling.
Heather with my cousin, Greg.
Today's trip: 147 km - 91 miles
2009 to date: 7,584 km - 4,713 miles (89.2%)
2009 goal: 8,500 km - 5,282 miles
To obtain goal: 916 km - 569 miles
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